Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Creation of a RunControl Record, RunControl Page, RunControl Component

Activity - 1: Creation of a RunControl Record, RunControl Page, RunControl Component

Below are detailed steps to be followed.

Creation of a Runcontrol Record.

  • Open the delivered Runcontrol Record – PRCSRUNCNTL.
  • Save As the Record and name it as X_ PRCSRUNCNTL.
  • Delete the fields LANGUAGE_CD and LANGUAGE_OPTION from the Record and Save the record.
  • Now BUILD the record and make sure that the Record Type is “SQL Table”.
  • Below is the screenshot from the Application Designer.

Save as the record as shown below

Click “Yes”, which moves the PeopleCode that exists in the Delivered record to the Custom record that you have created.

Delete the 2 fields as shown in the screenshot

Replace the record name which is PRCSRUNCNTL with X_ PRCSRUNCNTL in the PeopleCode.

Creation of a Runcontrol Page
  • Open a new page.
  • Go to the INSERT option in the Menu in the Application Designer and select the “Subpage” option. Select the delivered Subpage name – PRCSRUNCNTL_SBP
  • Below is the screenshot which shows the relevant details.
  • Now Save the Page as X_ PRCSRUNCNTL.
  • Runcontrol Page without any Runcontrol parameters is created.
Creation of a Runcontrol Component
  • Open a new Component.
  • Insert the page - X_ PRCSRUNCNTL into the component.
  • Go to the properties of the Component and select the Search Record - X_ PRCSRUNCNTL.
  • Save the Component and name it as - X_ PRCSRUNCNTL.
  • Register the component and see that the Component is visible in PIA.
  • Below is the screenshot which shows the relevant details.
 Activity - 2: Adding the Process to a Component
Below are the detailed steps.
  • Navigate to PeopleTools >> Process Scheduler >> Processes
  • Enter the process name - AEMINITEST
  • Update the Component name – X_PRCSRUNCNTL after navigating to the Process Definition Options Page as shown in the below screenshot.

  • Click the Save button
  • Navigate to Component - X_PRCSRUNCNTL that you have registered in Activity – 1.
  • Select “Add a New Value” page tab in the Search Page.
  • Input the  Runcontrol ID – TEST and click “Add” button.
  • You have entered into the Runcontrol Page now.
  • Click Run button.
  • You would see the process - AEMINITEST available to be selected in this page.
  • Select the checkbox and click OK button. After clicking the OK button you will be directed back to the Runcontrol Page.
  • Now click the “Process Monitor” hyperlink and see that your process has been scheduled.

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