Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How do you run an Application Engine programs from command line?

Application Engine programs can be run in two ways, 
  • On the Client
  • On the Process Scheduler.

Note: The client version of PSAE is mainly used for debugging purpose with application designer.

To run AE on Client, use the psae.exe found in directory


This version of PSAE will use Configuration Manager settings.
To run AE on Server (Process Scheduler Server), use the psae.exe found in directory

%PS_HOME%\bin\server\winx86 (Windows)
$PS_HOME\bin (Unix)

The below three environment variables also need to be set accordingly

set PS_HOME=C:\WhatEver\Value
set PS_SERVDIR=%PS_HOME%\appserv\prcs\DBNAME
set PS_SERVER_CFG=%PS_SERVDIR%\psprcs.cfg

If running on any Unix operating system, Only server version of psae will be available, there is no client version of psae.

To start an Application Engine program from the command line, you must specify the Application Engine executable (PSAE.EXE) followed by the required parameters, as shown in the following example:

psae -CT dbtype -CS server -CD database_name -CO oprid -CP oprpswd -R run_control_id -AI program_id -I process_instance -DEBUG (Y|N) -DR (Y|N) -TRACE tracevalue -DBFLAGS flagsvalue -TOOLSTRACESQL value -TOOLSTRACEPC value -OT outtype -OF outformat -FP filepath

Note: When using server version of PSAE, please make sure the Operation System user which launching the psae process MUST have full access (read/write/delete...etc) to the directories and files that the PS_SERVDIR environment variable is pointing to.

For more information, please also refer to PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine > Managing Application Engine Programs

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